Over the course of the past few years, I have undertaken the hobby of “overlanding,” a term currently in vogue that basically means camping with off-road cars. The experience of going out and putting your vehicle through its paces, then putting your own body through its paces as you camp in the woods, is an experience that I believe worth sharing.
I have put some of my thoughts to word. I hope you find them entertaining.
Apr 2020
I: Social Distancing
II: Tactical Bro
III: Sinclair Hollow
IIII: Coelophysis Cove
V: Spring Turkey
VI: Timberline
VII: Sugar Grove
IIX: Gale Warning
VIV: Fortunate Timing
Jun 2021
Oct 2021
Return to Moron Ridge (forthcoming)
The mountains are calling & I must go & I will work on while I can, studying incessantly. –John Muir, 1873