random writing

Equanimous Equitability

midst of a rather disturbing conversation with some former coworkers, it was presented to me that my position of seeking a state of equitability for all Americans was, to their view, wrong.  As they defined it to me, the terms equitability—and so equitable—presupposed what they referred to sneeringly as “equal outcomes.”  I presented to them my own understanding of equitability, which they in turn rejected, viewing it still as defining some manner of “equal outcomes.” …

2100 CE

Apoleia | The Nine-Hour War

With Earth ablaze, Mars subjugated, and the scores of daily casualties from one engagement after another in the orbits over Jupiter, the center at last could no longer hold and the junta which had formed in the aftermath of the Nine-Hour War sought peace with the Galilean League.  Peace, for the sake of stability.  Peace, sufficient to regroup and to reorient their focus to the recovery of Earth’s dwindling masses.

random fiction

Ad Malcolm

Observations of the island wildlife has revealed more than you are willing to admit. From our brief observations in March, it seemed clear that the proportion of predators to prey would have created an ecological imbalance were it not for the prion infection. This makes the island’s ecology unusually well-suited to our understanding of natural systems under extreme pressures.
